Monday, August 18, 2008

Oh the Sleepless Nights

Hey! Sorry its been a little while. I started 4 10's at work and they said in our meeting last week that we are not supposed to use our personal email accounts at work. So here I am sitting at work giving u an update! lol! Its been a ruff couple of weeks. Italia has not been sleeping at night very well lately. She seems to have known that I needed my precious sleep with starting the extra long days. She has exzema really bad for a while and now that that was cured we thought maybe the night sleeping would start again, well wrong. So then we thought maybe she was cold, well wrong again. That worked for 1 night and then it was time to wake up again. So then she was teething and it just popped through the skin, and that was last night so hopefully it will be good again. These long days are hard but the weekends I have enjoyed. I have not really had a weekend off yet, just busy busy but hopefully this weekend I will be able to relax. I love our new apartment and I think that Italia and Tracy like it too! Her bedroom and is huge and she can roam around anywhere for some reason she prefers her closet, and mom & dads room with the big mirror on the way. She stands up by it and dances and laughs and gives the other girl in the mirror kisses its adorable. She is growing so fast. She can now clap and wave and say momma and ignore me and think she can just do whatever and get away with it, yeah that point is already here. And well she has this look, she knows when she is doing something wrong and it is just like okay how far can I get this time before I get in trouble. And then I put her in a time out box and she was just having a blast in there. When I took her out when her time was done she actually crawled back over to play in it some more. Tracy's job is doing well. He actually might go down to Vernal and have Cache Valley pay for housing and work down there for 4 10's and probably some over time on Friday's. Then come home on the weekends. There are advantages and disadvantages so we are still deciding. We went and saw the Black Night again and actually stayed awake this time. It was pretty good, the joker is actually pretty creepy! But I really liked it! Its our 2 year Anniversary tomorrow! I can't believe it it has gone by so fast! We have grown so much in just 2 years. Well I hope you all have a good week! Love ya ALL!


DAVIS said...

Happy Anniversary!! I can't beleive it has already been two years! Crazy Crazy!! Italia is getting old.. I need to come visit soon!!! She is already turning into a lil Diva huh? So freaking cute.. Sorry you have been missing out on your sleep! I like your new page.. its very cute!! lol.. Sorry I just rambled forever.. I need to call you apparently! I miss you lots!!!

Chel said...

She is so cute! I'm sorry about your lack of sleep, I'll keep my fingers crossed it gets better! I'm glad you like your new apartment as well. Maybe you'll stay there for a few months! =) Love ya tons!

Suspension Bridges said...


Glad to hear that you are doing well. I miss your family tons. I stop by your parents but they are never home so alas I can not see them. I am glad that we at least have blogs to keep in touch.